Cf High School Baseball

Saturday, May 31, 2008

MLB Power Pros

America's favorite pastime gets a fun new twist as MLB Power Pros, the latest installment of Japan's popular baseball videogame series, debuts on the Wii! Every MLB player are represented in the Power Pro character style - a miniature toy-like figurine model. Gamers will recognize their favorite baseball stars through comic usage of facial expressions, facial hair, and hair styles. Even each MLB ballpark has been faithfully replicated with their respective famous landmarks. With a unique control system, amazing animations and an assortment of enjoyable and challenging game modes, this is baseball as you've never seen it before! ESRB Rated E for Everyone
Customer Review: Best sports game... ever?
I was nervous when I bought this game a few months ago. I couldn't get past the assumptions that the visual style led me to make, and I was too used to games that claimed the amount of options and depth I had read about Power Pros possessing falling short of my expectations because they either bogged you down in menus and options, or playing the actual game would just be dreadful. After playing this game though... It is amazing. I would honestly be content to never purchase another sports game for the rest of my life as long as I could keep Power Pros. The visual style is so simple, yet every player is immediately recognizable and complete with his own unique actions in the field and at the plate. The controls (aside from some awkward base running commands that take a little bit to get used to) are simple enough that you can easily pick them up the first time you play, but there is still enough going on that you feel rewarded for practicing as well. I was worried that this game, like other "cartoony" baseball games would lack in game options for things like pinch runners, pinch hitters, shifting the outfield and infield etc. But that is not the case at all. This really is the deepest, most customizable, sports game I have ever played. The bulk of game modes is overwhelming quite honestly. You can set up batting or fielding practice for just about any game situation you can imagine, either by doing batting practice against a particular pitch (type, location, and velocity) that is giving you trouble, or by specifying the power and trajectory of a hit and putting runners on the bases (if you so choose) to work on outfield assists or turning double plays. The simulation elements are perfect as well, as they provide a wide array of stats, and once again give you options to tweak just about anything on your team. I found the ability to halt a simulated game, enter to bat for one player (or longer if you so choose), and then resume the simulation particularly enticing, as it gives you the ability to "play through a season as a single player". Of course, controlling everything from the top as a GM is another option (and you can choose any combination of playing and simulating the games, as with most sports games), you can create your own team (complete with created players), re-arrange the divisions... pretty much anything you would like to do, there is a way to do it in Power Pros. If the game had stopped here, I would still give it 5 stars. But there is quite literally a second game worth of content in "success mode". In this mode you start as a first year college player with 3 years to earn a minor league contract. However, you have to strike a balance between several elements of your life along the way. I was afraid that after playing through this mode once or twice it would become akin to beating a dead horse, and just a really long winded way of creating a player. But that is not the case at all. I have played through Success mode in excess of 30 times, and I am STILL finding new story lines. It would be impossible for me to convey how funny parts of the success mode story are, or how addictive it can be (the reason I keep playing is that I want to win back to back championships AND beat the 'secret opponent' you face if you win the championship in your third year. I have come within 1 run of a repeat, but it still eludes me!). On top of all of this, Power Pros tracks everything you do from the moment you start playing. I find this fascinating just because some of my personal stats are just bizarre... like how much better I do with a left handed batter than a right handed batter, when I myself bat right handed. The only gripe I have about Power Pros, is the limited minor league system in the dynasty mode. There are plenty of options in the dynasty mode that make up for this (such as getting to specify what individual players practice, the ongoing process of upgrading their skills etc.), but after playing other baseball games over the last couple of years, I have gotten used to having a full minor league system to use for trades and player development. To sum everything up: Power Pros is enjoyable to every type of video game player and baseball fan. The guy who knows nothing about the sport and has little experience playing baseball video games will catch on just as quickly as the hardcore sports gamer. Unlike most games that fit that description though, Power Pros also contains the options, game modes, and stat tracking abilities that hardcore sports gamers live for.
Customer Review: MLB Power Pros is worth it!
MLB Power Pros is a simple baseball game that hits all ages. First and foremost, for $20 it is now a bargain. There are so many different modes to play, it is worth the investment. I have played the game with the Wiimote and with a classical controller. The Wiimote is fun but lacks some Wiimote motions that would make the game a lot more fun. I therefore prefer the classic controller. The one drawback is that the rosters are based on the 2007 season so if you were expecting Johan Santana to be on your New York Mets (like I did), you will be dissappointed. You can change it with fantasy drafts or just trade for him but I lived without him.

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